EssEnTiaL ReFereNceS

Video: "Social services are broken. How we can fix them" Cottam, Hilary. [2015] TED talks

< watch?v=Mr8nvXvl-y8>

Journal: "The disruptive aesthetics of design activism: enacting design between art and politics" Markussen, Thomas. Design Issues 29(1), pp.38-44 [2013]

Article: "Strike 2.0: how gig economy workers are using tech to fight back" Shenker, Jack. For The Guardian [31 Aug 2019]

https://www. are-fighting-back

Article: "Design’s role in activism can go deeper than posters and t-shirts" Tunstall, Dori. [2018] for AIGA Eye on design website. shirts/

Designer and ex-CSM GCD student Marina Pla set up a fair for broken goods in Buenos Aires as part of an activist campaign to encourage a shift towards a culture of repair.Her project was recently featured by news agency Al Jazeera:


"The Creative Process" model design, Dubberly Design Office [2009] in collaboration with Jack Chung, Shelley Evenson and Paul Pangaro.

AcTiviSm DeSigN

Article: Wicked Problems -

Article: "Design as Activism: to resist or to generate?" Thorpe, Ann [unknown] for Current Magazine, Emily Carr University of Art and Design.


Archive of news articles and interventions found at [], all individually referenced if used.


cLiMaTe eMeRgenCy

Article: "Global rebellion: die, survive or thrive?" Yamin, Farhana [18 April 2019] for Ecologist.

Video: The 16 Year Old Calling Out Global Leaders on Climate Change, Vice [May 2019]

Video: Heading for Extinction and what to do about it, Extinction Rebellion [September 2018]

Journal: "Climate Change as a Wicked Problem: An Evaluation of the Institutional Context for Rural Water Management in Ghana" Fitzgibbon, John. and O'Mensah, Kenneth. [2012]

Article: "Extinction Rebellion: What do they want and is it realistic?" McGrath, Matt [2019] for BBC News

Article: "Veganism is the 'single biggest way' to reduce our environmental impact on the planet, study finds". Petter, Olivia [June 2018] for The Independent Newspaper. 


Video: "MDMA is killing trees + 4 other ways we're trashing the planet", Vice [Sept 2019]

Case Study Report: "Climate Change Needs Behaviour Change" making the case for behavioural solutions to reduce global warming" [2018] by Rare, Centre for Behaviour and the Environment.

CaPiTaLism & OvErConsUmpTioN

Video: "Everybody talks about capitalism - but what is it?" Kajsa Ekis Ekman [2015] for TEDxAthens

Book review/article: Book - "A Foodie’s Guide to Capitalism – Understanding the Political Economy of What We Eat" by Eric Holt-Giménez. // Review: "Our Food System Isn't Broken. Capitalism Is What Is Wrong With It" by Amrita Gupta [2018] for Earth Mag

Article: "The True Cost Of Our Avocado Obsession" by Violet Henderson [2017] for Vogue.
Article: "Your avocado obsession is now causing a drought in Chile", Eben Disken [2018] for The Guardian
Article: "Coffee’s Invisible Carbon Footprint", McColl, Sarah [2016] for EcoWatch
Article: "Examining the Carbon Footprint of Coffee" (Submitted by Nikko Mills) on The Eco Guide [2016]
Webpage: Trash Track Project