







CSM maTeRiaLs LibRaRy

I went to the CSM materials library to gain inspiration about what materials I can use to make my graphic design work more interactive.


Mirror work would be interesting because of the way in which one interacts with it also communicated back to them through the reflection. Is there a way in which I could make the reflection the answer, and beg a question in terms of knife crime that could evoke this? What does a mirror showing the people interacting with it say about those people? How could I manipulate a mirror to leave people feeling more aware of themselves and their actions, especially with a topic such as knife crime. This has potential to be quite poignant. 


Heat sensitive paper is something that especially interests me because of the connotations to forensic science and stereotypical detectives in the light of crime. That, and the fact that when people interact with it, it leaves a mark of their hands, which could (as with the mirror) communicate something about that person in particular in the light of my topic. 

I want to work with heat sensitive and heat revealing paper/ink, as I feel it has great potential to 



The materials library gave me some ideas, but I found myself clutching at straws for ideas. This photo somewhat shows that, as I had an idea to take forensics/crime styled photographs with transparent pouches like this. I think the idea is a bit far fetched for this part of my project.

MaTeRiaLs oRderEd

Screenshot 2019-03-04 at 17.45.28.png

D6 ScReeNs

Screenshot 2019-03-06 at 22.09.59.png

"Knife Angel made of 100,000 blades in Hull's Queen's Gardens"


This sculpture made of knives and blades is an interesting way that an artist has responded to the topic of knife crime through direct focus on the materials. Using knives to provoke discussion is quite a statement, yet I feel the sculpture is effective and bold. 
















mY iDeAs aNd ExPeriMenTs wiTh MaTeRiaLs

TeAriNg AniMaTioN

Screenshot 2019-03-26 at 20.17.57.png

Developing from my experiments and idea brainstorming of ways in which to interactively use paper in the class session, I have created this motion image. The "animation", as such, depicts the photo revealing the straight and simple message below, inspired by the nature of tearing paper. 

Screenshot 2019-03-26 at 20.18.15.png

I had to use my instinct when it came to creating the movement in the image, as I am not naturally accustomed to After Effects of Premier Pro. Therefore I screen recorded my actions on photoshop, using the quicktime player screen record function on my MacBook, and trimmed the footage afterwards to remove the time wasted at the start and end of the screen record. 


If I were to take this idea further, I would refine and improve the graphical element of the text and layout that is revealed behind the photography. I would also improve the transitions of the motion in the piece, perhaps learning to create a similar, if not better effect on After Effects. However, this takes a lot of time to learn and then complete, so I have decided to move on. 

PoLicE TaPe tesTs


My experiments with scanning the police tape using the basic paper scanner in Archway really emphasises the texture and nature of the design as a material. I like the way the shadows from the scanner really heighten the movement of the object, reinforcing how it is a tangible thing, not just a 2d design. The way in which the graphic design element has translated to becoming iconic as an object shows the way in which design can extend to be something more than digital, and this is something I hope to achieve with my own project outcomes. By recreating this in a more artistic, handmade way, I really concentrate on the physical transition from digital design to tangible outcome - ultimately making the piece more interactive in its substance. 

SCrEeN pRinTinG onTo maTeRiaL






HeAT SenSiTivE pApeR

Screenshot 2019-04-15 at 16.24.26.png

I finally got around to incorporating heat sensitive paper in my work to make it more interactive ! When creating this memorial book, I thought it would be more poignant to hide the names of the victims using the heat sensitive paper. Thereafter, readers have to use their fingers to rub and heat up the strips, using their fingerprints - connoted with identity - to reveal the names/identities of those fatally stabbed in a knife attack. 

Screenshot 2019-04-15 at 16.24.54.png

I also wanted to include a piece where the whole hand could be used to imprint in a more obvious, instructed way. This is not as successful, because the nature of instructing readers to do it through text on the opposing page somewhat stages the engagement, and also your hands have to be really hot/left for longer in order for the imprint to be effective. 

Screenshot 2019-04-15 at 16.25.12.png